Recommended Reading
Thoroughbred Heritage Bibliography
Please note - this is a listing of books that have been written on the subject, and is not a listing of books offered for sale
Acton, C. R. Silk and Spur. London: Richards, 1935.
Ahnert, Rainer L. Thoroughbred Breeding of the World. 1970.
Aiscan, John. Ribot. London: Ahner-Verlag, 1973.
Alexander, David. The History and Romance of the Horse Cooper
Square, 1963.
Alexander, David. A Sound of Horses: The World of Racing from
Eclipse to Kelso Bobbs Merrill, 1966.
Allen, Maj. G.R.D. Sire Line Chart of the Derby, the St Leger, the
Prix du Jockey Club, the Grand Prix de Paris 1890-1964. London:
J. A. Allen, 1964.
Allison, William. The British Thoroughbred Horse: His History and
Breeding. London: G. Richards, 1901.
Allison, William. My Kingdom for a Horse. London: G. Richards,
Allison, William. Memories of Men and Horses. London: G. Richards,
Anderson, C. W. Thoroughbreds. London: Macmillan Co., 1942.
Anderson, J. Douglas. Making the American Thoroughbred, Especially
in Tennessee 1800-1845. Plimpton Press, 1916.
Anthony, Edwin. The 21st Century Pedigree Handbook.
Antwerp & Lamplighter. Modern Pedigrees. 1895.
(Apperley, Charles James) writing as "Nimrod".The Chase,
The Turf, and The Road.London: John Murray, 1837.
Arcaro, Edward George and Jack O'Hara. I Ride to Win! Greenberg,
Armstrong, Geoff and Peter Thompson. Phar Lap.
Atkinson, Rolan. Racing in France Dupuy, 1950
Atkinson, Ted and Lucy Freeman. All The Way! 1961.
Auerbach, Ann Hagedorn. Wild Ride. Henry Holt, 1994.
Axethelm, Pete. The Kid: The Story of Steve Cauthen. 1978.
Ayres and Newbon. Over the Sticks. 1972.
Baerlein, Richard. Shergar and the Aga Khan's Thoroughbred Empire.
Michael Joseph, 1984.
Baffert, Bob with Steve Haskin. Dirt Road to the Derby.
Bagan. Lukas at Auction.
Barich, Bill. Laughing in the Hills. Viking, 1980.
Bayes, Pat and Michael Magee. Champions. Morrow, 1980.
Bayliss, Margaret F.. The Matriarchy of the American Turf. Private
printing by Robert F. Gerry, 1931.
Beall, Wilma. Horse Farms and Horse Tales of the Bluegrass Sunshine,
Becker, Friedrich. The Breed of Racehorse: Its Developments
and Transformations. London: The British Bloodstock Agency, 1935.
Becker, Friedrich. Charts of the Successful Sire Lines. Sporting
Life 1915.
Becker, Friedrich. The Successful Female Lines in the Breeding of
the Thoroughbred Horse. Rademacher, 1922.
Beckett, Oliver.J. F. Herring & Sons.
Beckwith, B.K. The Longden Legend. 1973.
Beckwith, B.K.. Seabiscuit: The Saga of a Great Champion.
Los Angeles Turf Club, 1975.
Bedford, Julian. The World Atlas of Horse Racing. Mallard, 1989.
Beyer, Andrew. Beyer on Speed.
de Biase, Gen. Achille. The Development of Successful Sire Lines
in England and France. 1961
Billy, Jacques. Haras et Elevage de Normandie.
Binney, Keith Horsemen of the First Frontier (1788-1900) and The Serpents Legacy. Australia: Volcanic Products, 2006; available through Horsemen of the First Frontier
Biracree and Insinger. The Complete Book of Thoroughbred Horse Racing.
Birch, Franklin E.. Pedigrees of Leading Winners. London: The
Thoroughbred Breeders Association, 1960.
Bird, T. H. Admiral Rous and the English Turf, 1795-1877. London:
Putnam, 1939.
Birdsall, P. H.. Bloodlines of Hunters and Jumpers in North America
Birdsall, 1981.
Birdsall, P. H. The Compendium of Sport Horse Bloodlines Equine
Bloodlines, 1987.
Blanche, Ernest. Off to the Races. 1947.
Black, Robert, Horse-Racing in England, a Synoptical Review London:
Richard Bentley, 1893.
Black, Robert. Horse-Racing in France, a History. Samson Low,
Blanchard & Wellman, The Life and Times of Sir Archie:
The Story of America's Greatest Thoroughbred: 1805-1833 University
of North Carolina, 1958
Bland, Ernest (ed.). Flat-Racing since 1900. London: Andrew Dakers,
The Blood-Horse. A Quarter-Century of American Racing 1916-1941
The Blood-Horse, 1941.
The Blood-Horse. Five Years of Speed 1945-1949 The Blood-Horse,
The Blood-Horse. A Second Quarter-Century of American Racing 1941-1965
The Blood-Horse, 1965.
The Blood-Horse. Dams of Stakes Winners 1932-1969. The Blood-Horse,
The Blood-Horse. Sires of American Thoroughbreds. The Blood-Horse,
1935, 1951, 1968.
The Blood-Horse. Sires and Dams of Stakes Winners 1925-1985 2 vols
The Blood-Horse, 1986.
The Blood-Horse. Stallion Register. Annual. The Blood-Horse.
The Blood-Horse. Thoroughbred Broodmare Records. The Blood-Horse.
The Blood-Horse. Thoroughbred Sires & Dams. Annual (1940-1957).
The Blood-Horse.
The Blood-Horse. Thoroughbred Champions: Top 100 Racehorses of the
20th Century.
Bloodstock Research and Statistical Bureau. American Produce Records.
Annual from BRIS,1971.
Blundeville, Thomas. The fower chiefest offices belonging to Horsemanshippe,
etc. First part, 1565
Bobinski, Captain Kazimierz and Count Sefan Zamoyski. Family Tables
of Racehorses London: J.A. Allen, 1953.
Boggs, Jean Sutherland. Degas at the Races Yale, 1998.
Bolus, Jim. Run for the Roses. 1974.
Bolus, Jim. Here Comes Whirlaway.
Bolus, Jim. Derby Dreams.
Bolus, Jim. Derby Fever.
Bolus, Jim. Derby Magic.
Bolus, Jim. Kentucky Derby Stories. Pelican, 1993
Bolus, Jim. Remembering the Derby
Bolus, Jim and Joe Hirsch. Kentucky Derby: The Chance of a Lifetime.
McGraw-Hill, 1988.
Bomze, Henry. Treasury of American Turf. 1975.
Bongianni, Maruizio. Champion Horses. Bonanza, 1984.
Booth, Stanley. A. J. Munnings.
du Bourg, Ross. The Australian and New Zealand Thoroughbred
Bowen, Edward L. Dynasties: Great Thoroughbred Stallions. Eclipse
Press (The Blood-Horse), 2000.
Bowen, Edward L.. The Jockey Club's Illustrated History of Racing
in America 1994.
Bowen, Edward L. Matriarchs: Great Mares of the 20th Century.
Eclipse Press (The Blood-Horse), 2001.
Bowen, Edward L. At The Wire: Horse Racing's Greatest Moments.
Bowen, Edward L. and Richard Stone Reeves. Legends: The Art of Richard
Stone Reeves. Oxmoor House, 1989
Bower, Alex. How to Buy a Racehorse.
Bowling, Ann. Horse Genetics
Bowmar III, Dan M.. Giants of the Turf: The Alexanders, The
Belmonts, James R. Keene, The Whitneys.
The Blood-Horse, 1960.
Breslin, Jimmy. Sunny Jim:The Life of America's Most Beloved
Horseman-James Fitzsimmons. Doubleday, 1962.
British Bloodstock Agency. Bloodstock Breeders Review. Qrtrly
and annually.
Broadhead, Fred.Here Comes Whirlaway.
Browne, T. H. A History of the English Turf 1904-1930, 2 vols
London: Virtue, 1931
Bruce, S. D. The Horse-Breeders Guide and Handbook. 1883
Bruce, S. D. Thoroughbred Horse. Turf, Field and Farm, 1892.
Bruce, Col. S. D. American Stud Book.. (Vols 1 to 6 - until 1896,
thence to the Jockey Club).
Bryant, Beverly. Portraits of Kentucky Derby Winners. 1995.
Buchanon, Lamont. The Kentucky Derby Story. Dutton, 1953.
Buckley, Amelia King. The Keeneland Association Library. Kentucky:
University Press of Kentucky, 1958.
Burch, Preston M.. Training Thoroughbred Horses. The Blood-Horse,
Burnet, Alastair with Tim Neligan. The Derby: The Official Book of
the World's Greatest Race. Machael
O'Mara, 1993.
Burroughs, Raleigh and Humphrey S. Finney. Fair Exchange: Recollections
of a Life with Horses. Charles Scribner's
Campbell, Barry. Horse Racing in Britain. Michael Joseph, 1977.
Campbell, W. Cothran. Lightning in a Jar: Catching Racing Fever.
Carr, Harry. Queen's Jockey. Stanley Paul, 1966.
Case, Carole. Down The Backstretch: Racing and the American
Dream. Temple University Press, 1991.
Case, Carole. The Right Blood: America's Aristocrats in Thoroughbred
Cathcart, Helen.The Queen and the Turf.
Cauz, Louis E. The Plate: A Royal Tradition (1860-1984). 1984.
Cavendish, William, Duke of Newcastle. La Methode et Invention Nouvelle
de dresser les chevaux. Antwerp 1657
Cavendish, William, Duke of Newcastle. A New Method and Extraordinary
Invention to Dress Horses, and Work Them According to Nature; and also,
to Perfect Nature by the Subtility of Art; Which Was Never Found Out,
But by the Thrice Noble, High and Pussant Prince William Cavendish.
Cavendish, William, Duke of Newcastle.A General System of Horsemanship,
2 vols.. ed. J. Brindley, 1743
Cawthorne, G. J. & Herod, R. S. Royal Ascot. Treherne, 1902.
Challmes, Joseph J. The Preakness: A History. Anaconda, 1975.
Chalmers, Patrick R. Racing England. B. T. Batsford, 1939.
Champion, Bob. Champion's Story. 1982.
Chew, Peter. The Kentucky Derby: The First 100 Years. Houghton
Mifflin, 1974.
Chifney, Samuel. Genius Genuine 1804
Church, Michael. Three Centuries of Leading Sires 1721-1987.
Racing Post.
Church, Michael.The Classic
Pedigree 1776-1989. Racing Post, 1990.
Church, Michael. Dams of Classic Winners 1777-1993. Racing Post,
Church, Michael. The Derby Stakes 1780-1997. Racing Post, 1998.
Church, Michael. Eclipse: The Horse, The Race and The Award.
Churchill, Peter. The Sporting Horse
Ciechanowska, Paola. Le Pur Sang Francaise (The French Thoroughbred)
J.A. Allen,
Clafin, Edward, Ruffian: Queen of the Fillies Scrambling
Press, 1975
Clark, Alda Hopkins, as told to Betsy Fleet. Hold Hard private,
Clark, John H. Trader Clark. 1991.
Clee, Nicholas. Eclipse. Batam Press, 2009.
Coaten, A.W. Famous Horses of the British Turf (11 vols).
Coleridge, Georgina. That's Racing! A Dream that Happened. 1978.
Collins, R. W. Race Horse Training The Blood-Horse, 1938
(Colton, Robert) "Sylvanus", Bye-Lanes and Downs of England
Bentley, 1850.
Conley, Kevin. Stud: Adventures in Breeding. 2002.
Cook, Sir Theodore A. A History of the English Turf, 3 vols.London:
Virtue, 1904
Cook, Sir Theodore A. Eclipse and O'Kelly Dutton, 1907
Cook, Dr. W. Robert. Specifications for Speed in the Racehorse:
The Airflow Factors
Cook, Dr. W. Robert. Selecting Racehorses using the Airflow Factors
Cooper, Page & Treat, Roger.Man o'War Messner, 1950
Cope, Alfred. Cope's Royal Cavalcade of the Turf 1953
Cope, David. Cope's Racegoer's Encyclopaedia (annual)
Corbet, Henry. Sporting Life. Rogerson & Tuxford, 1864.
Corum, Bill. Off and Running Henry Holt, 1959.
Craig, Dennis. Horse-Racing: the Breeding of Thoroughbreds and a
Short History of the English Turf. J. A. Allen, 1949 4th ed. 1982.
Craig, Dennis. Horse-Racing Encyclopaedia.
Craig, Dennis. Breeding Racehorses from Cluster Mares.
Cranham, Gerry and Brough Scott. The World of Flat Racing. World's
Work, 1983.
Crist, Steven. The Horse Traders: Inside the Billion Dollar
Breeding Industry that Rules Racing Today. Norton, 1986.
Crowell, James R. and Samuel Hildreth. The Spell of the Turf.
Lippincott, 1925
Culver, Francis Barnum. Blooded Horses of Colonial Days: Classic
Horse Matches in America Before the Revolution.
Cunningham, Prof. Patrick. 1975 International Symposium on Genetics
and Horse Breeding.
Daily Racing Form.The American Racing Manual. Triangle Publications
Daily Racing Form. Champions: The Lives, Times and Paste Performances
of the 20th Century's Greatest Thoroughbreds.
Daingerfield, Keene.Training for Fun and Profit Maybe. Thoroughbred
David, Roy.The Shergar Mystery.
Davis, John. The American Turf. Polhemus, 1907.
Dawkins, George H. Present Day Sires and the Figure System. Cox,
Dawson, Capt. Lionel.Lonsdale, the Authorised Life of Hugh Lowther,
Fifth Earl of Lonsdale. 1946.
Day, John.The Story of Kelso. 1965.
Day, John and Rowland Barber. Racing Almanac: The Authoratative Guide
to Racing.. Dell, 1953.
Day, William.Reminiscences of the Turf, 2nd ed.; Bentley, 1886.
Dean, Deborah and Robert H. Murphy.What Makes A Classic Winner.
Private printing.
De Biase, A. The Development of Successful Thoroughbred Sire Lines
in England & France. Italy, 1961.
Del Castillo, Janet.Backyard Racehorse: The Training Manual.
Denbo, Bruce and Mary Wharton (ed).Horse World of the Bluegrass.
Jim Host, 1980.
Dernhardt, R. M..The Horse of the Americas. University of Oklahoma
Press. 1949.
DeVito, Carlo. D. Wayne: The High-Rolling and Fast Times of America's
Premier Horse Trainer.
DiBrino, N..The History of the Morris Park Racecourse and the Morris
Family. 1977
(Dixon, H. H.) "The Druid" The Post and Paddock. 1st
ed. 1856
(Dixon, H. H.) "The Druid", Saddle and Sirloin. 1st
ed. 1870
(Dixon, H. H.) "The Druid", Scott and Sebright. 1st
ed. 1862
(Dixon, H. H.) "The Druid", Silk and Scarlet. 1st ed.
(Dixon, W.) "Thormanby", Kings of the Turf. Hutchinson,
Donoghue, Stephen.Just My Story. Hutchinson. 1923.
Donoghue, Stephen.Donoghue Up! Collins Sons.
Doolittle, Bill.The Kentucky Derby: Run for the Roses
Dossenbach, Monique and Hans & Hans Kohler.Great Stud-Farms of
the World. Morrow. 1978
Douglas-Home, James.Horse Racing in Berkshire. Alan Sutton, 1992.
Drager, Marvin. The Most Glorious Crown. Charles Scribners. 1975.
Drape, Joe. The Race for the Triple Crown. 2001.
"The Druid" (H. H. Dixon). The Post and Paddock. 1st
ed.; 1856
"The Druid" (H. H. Dixon). Saddle and Sirloin. 1st
ed., 1870
"The Druid" (H. H. Dixon). Scott and Sebright. 1st
ed.; 1862
"The Druid" (H. H. Dixon). Silk and Scarlet. 1st ed.;
Dunstan, Neil.The Thoroughbred in New Jersey.
Eisenberg, John.The Longest Shot: Lil E. Tee and the Kentucky
Eliot, Elizabeth. Portrait of a Sport: The Story of Steeplechasing
in Gerat Britain and the United States. 1957.
Engelhard, Jack. The Horsemen: The Thoroughbred Racing World from
the Other Side of the Rail. 1974.
Ennor, George and Bill Mooney. The World Encyclopedia of Horse Racing.
Estes, J.A. Thoroughbred Pedigrees. ATBA, 1934.
Estes, J.A.The Estes Formula for Breeding Stakes Winners
Estes, J. A. & Joe H. Palmer.An Introduction to the Thoroughbred
Horse. The Blood-Horse, 1942.
Fairfax-Blakeborough, J.Northern Turf History, Vol 1: Hambleton and
Richmond. J. A. Allen, 1949.
Fairfax-Blakeborough, J.Northern Turf History, Vol 2: Extinct Race
Meetings. J. A. Allen, 1950.
Fairley, John.Great Racehorses in Art. Phaidon Press, 1984
Fairley, John. Racing in Art. Rizzoli, 1990.
Fairley, John.The Art of the Horse. Abbeville Press, 1995
Famous Horses of America, Containing 59 Portraits of the Celebrities
of the American Turf, Past and Present with Short Biographies. Porter
and Coates, 1877.
Farley, Dan and William Robertson ed.Hoofprints of the Century:
From the Thoroughbred Record 1875-1974. 1974
Farley, Walter, Man o'War. Random House, 1962.
Faulconer, J.B. The Names They Give Them. Boyd, 1998.
Fawcett, William.Turf, Chase and Paddock. London: Hutchinson, 1932
Fawcett, William.Racing in the Olden Days. London: Hutchinson,
Finney, Humphrey.A Stud Farm Diary. Blue Ridge, 1936. Reprinted
1946, 1973.
Finney, Humphrey S. and Raleigh Burroughs.Fair Exchange:Recollections
of a Life with Horses. Charles Scribners, 1974.
Finochio, Louis.Thoroughbred Nicking Patterns. Finochio, several
Fitch, C. G.The Handling and General Management of the Thoroughbred Stallion. Hutchinson, ca.
Fitzgeorge-Parker, Tim.Flat Race Jockeys; The Great Ones. Pelham,
Fitzgeorge-Parker, Tim.Vincent O'Brien, A Long Way From Tipperary.
Fitzgerald, Arthur.Royal Thoroughbreds: A History of the Royal
Studs. 1990.
Fitzgerald, Arthur and Michael Seth-Smith. Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe
Fitzgerald, Arthur and Michael Seth-Smith. Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe
Flake, Carol.Tarnished Crown.
Flake, Carol and Henry Horenstein.Thoroughbred Kingdoms: Breeding
Farms of the American Racehorse. Bullfinch/Little Brown, 1990.
Fleet, Betsy, as told by Ada Hopkins Clark.Hold Hard. Private printing.
Fleming, Mary.A History of the
Thoroughbred in California. C.T.B.A., 1983
Fletcher, J. S.The History of the St. Leger Stakes Hutchinson:
Fletcher, J. S. The History of the St. Leger Stakes. Hutchinson,
Foote, John Taintor.Hoofbeats. Appleton Century, 1950.
Fores. Fores' Sporting Notes and Sketches. Vol 1 (1884-1885).
Fothergill, George A. The National Stud, a Gift to the State: a Memorial
of It Compiled, Edited and Decorated by T. & A Constable. 1916.
Francis, Dick.Sport of Queens. Warner, 1986
Francis, Dick; Lester:The Official Biography.
Jenning, Frank.From Here to the Bugle: The Story of the Hancocks.
Freeman, Lucy and Ted Atkinson.All The Way!
Gallier, Susan.One of the Lads; Racing on the Inside. Stanley
Paul, 1990
(Galtrey, Sidney) ""Hotspur"".Memoirs of a Racing Journalist
Hutchinson & Co.; 1934
Gill, James.Bloodstock: Breeding Winners in Europe and America.
Arco, 1977
Gindick, A..The Thoroughbred Bloodlines Manual. 1992.
Gittings, David S. Maryland and the Thoroughbred. Hoffman, Maryland
Horse breeders Assoc., 1932.
Glasscock, C. B..Lucky Baldwin; The Story of an Unconventional
Success. 1933
Glengarry, Jack.The Great Decade of New Zealand Racing 1970/1980.
Glengarry, Jack.Upgrading Thoroughbred Families, 1995.
Goodwin. Goodwin's Turf Guide. Annual (1883 to 1908).
Goos, Hermann.Family Tables of English Thoroughbred Stock.
Gorham, Bob (ed.).Churchill Downs 100th Kentucky Derby, First Centennial
1875-1974. Churchill Downs, 1973.
Graham, Clive.Hyperion. J.A. Allen.
Green, Reg. A Race Apart: The History of the Grand National.
Guilliams, Cliff. Final Call to Absent Friends.
Haggin, J. B..Thoroughbreds at Rancho Del Paso: 1903 Private
printing, 1903.
Haggin, James B. Catalogue of Stallions and Brood Mares at the Elmendorf
Stud. Haggin. 1905.
Haines, Dora Peel.Life on a Kentucky Stock Farm. Hobson, 1947.
Hancock, Dell. From Foal to Champion. 1991.
Haralambos, K.M.The Byerly Turk. 1990.
Harper, Clive.The Thoroughbred Breeders' Handbook. Highflyer,
Harrison, Farifax.The Equine F. F. V.'s. Old Dominion Press,
Harrison, Fairfax.The Belair Stud 1747-1761. Old Dominion Press,
Harrison, Fairfax.The Roanoke Stud 1795-1833. Old Dominion Press,
Harrison, Fairfax.The John's Island Stud 1750-1788. Old Dominion
Press, 1931
Harrison, Fairfax.Background of the American Stud Book. Old Dominion
Press, 1933
Harrision, Fairfax. Early American Turf Stock 1730-1830 2 Vols.
Old Dominion Press, 1934-1935.
Hart-Davis, Duff. Horses of War. St. Martin, 1991.
Haseltine, Herbert.Man o'War and Me. 1981.
Haskin, Steve. Horse Racing's Holy Grail: The Epic Quest for the
Kentucky Derby. Eclipse Press (The Blood-Horse).
Haun, Marianna.The X Factor: The Relationship Between Inherited
Heart Size and Racing Performance
Haun, Marianna. Understanding the Power of the X Factor. 2001.
Haydon, Thomas.Sporting Reminiscences. Blair, Sands, 1898
Hedges, David and Fred Mayer.Horses and Courses: A Pictorial
History of Racing. Viking, 1972.
Heimer, Mel. Fabulous Bawd: The Story of Saratoga. Henry Holt
& Co., 1952.
Heimer, Mel. Inside Racing. 1967
Heller, Bill.The Will to Win: Ron Turcotte's Ride to Glory.
University of Toronto Press, 1992.
Heller, Bill. Graveyard of Champions: Saratoga's Fallen Favorites.
Helm, Mike.Bred to Run: The Making of a Thoroughbred.
Helm, Mike.Exploring Pedigree.
Helm, Mike. Sire Ratings 1996-1997.
Helm, Mike. A Breed Apart.
Henry, Marguerite.King of the Wind: The Story of the Godolphin
Arabian. Rand McNally, 1948.
Henry, Marguerite.Black Gold. Rand McNally, 1957.
Herbert, Henry W. Frank Forester's Horse and Horsemanship of the
United States and British Provinces of North America. Stringer,
Herbert, Ivor.Arkle
Herbert, Ivor.The Queen Mother's Horses. 1967
Herbert, Ivor and Patricia Smyly. The Winter Kings
Herbert, Ivor and Jaqueline O'Brien.Vincent O'Brien's Great Horses.
Herbert, William Henry.The Horse of America; 2 vols, 1957.
Herries, Sir William. The Successful Running and Sire Lines of the
Modern Thoroughbred. British Bloodstock Agency, 1921.
Hervey, John L. ("Salvator").Racing in America 1922-1936.
The Jockey Club, 1937.
Hervey, John L. ("Salvator"), Racing in American 1665-1865.
2 Vols. The Jockey Club, 1944.
Hervey, John L. ("Salvator") (ed.), American Race Horses
(annual from 1936-1963); Sagamore.
Hewitt, Abram S. Sire Lines.
The Blood-Horse, 1977.
Hewitt, Abram S. The Great Breeders and Their Methods.The Thoroughbred Record, 1982.
Hildreth, Samuel & James R. Crowell.The Spell of the Turf: the
Story of American Racing. Lippincott, 1925.
Hillenbrand, Laura. Seabiscuit: An American Legend. 2000.
Hirsch, Joe.The Grand Senor: The Fabulous Career of Horatio
Hirsch, Joe.A Treasury of Questions and Answers. Daily Racing
Form, 1969.
Hirsch, Joe; The First Century: Daily Racing Form Chronicles
100 Years of Thoroughbred Racing.
Hirsch, Joe and Jim Bolus. Kentucky
Derby: The Chance of a Lifetime. McGraw-Hill, 1988.
Hirsch, Joe and Gene Plowden.In The Winners Circle: The Jones
Boys of Calumet Farm. Lipscomb, 1974.
Hislop, John.The Turf (Britain in Pictures Series); 1948.
Hislop, John.Far from a Gentleman. 1960.
Hislop, John.Of Horses and Races. 1961.
Hislop, John.Breeding for Racing. Secker and Warburg, 1976, 2nd
ed. 1985.
Hislop, John.The Theory and Practice of Flat Race Riding.
Hislop, John.The Brigadier.
Hislop, John. Steeplechasing. 1951, 2nd ed. 1970.
Hislop, John and David Swannell. The Faber Book of the Turf.
Hislop and Livingstone.Famous Winners of the British Turf 1949-1955.
Hobson, Warwick.The Story of the Golden Slipper Stakes.
Hogan, C.D..Index to Stakes Winners: 1865-1867. 2 Vols.
ca 1968
Holland, Anne.Dawn Run, the Story of a Champion Racehorse and Her
Remarkable Owner.
Holland, Anne.Stride by Stride.
Hollingsworth, Kent. The Wizard of the Turf: John E. Madden of Hamburg
Place. 1965.
Hollingsworth, Kent.The Great Ones. 1970.
Hollingsworth, Kent.The Kentucky Thoroughbred. The University
Press of Kentucky, 1976.
Hollingsworth, Kent. Of the World's Great Stallions.
Hollingsworth, Kent.The Archjockey of Canterbury and Other Tales.
The Blood-Horse, 1986.
Hore, J. P.History of Newmarket and Annals of the Turf. 3 Vols.
Bailey, 1886
Horenstein, Henry.Racing Days. Viking, 1987
Horenstein, Henry and Carol Flake.Thoroughbred Kingdoms: Breeding
Farms of the American Racehorse. Bullfinch/Little Brown, 1990
Hotaling, Edward.They're Off: Horse Racing at Saratoga.
"Hotspur" (Sidney Galtrey).Memoirs of a Racing Journalist.
Hutchinson & Co.; 1934
Hovdey, Jay.Cigar: America's Horse
Hovdey, Jay.Whittingham:The Story of a Thoroughbred Racing
Legend. The Blood-Horse, 1993.
Humphreys, John O.American Racetracks and Contemporary Racing Art.
South Bend,
Humphris, E. M.The Life of Fred Archer. Hutchinson, 1923
Humphris, E. M..The Life of Mathew Dawson. Witherby, 1928
Hyland, Francis P.M. and Guy St. John William.The Irish Derby 1866-1979.
Incisa della Rochetta, Mario.The Tesios as I Knew Them. 1979
Irving, Dr. John B..History of the South Carolina Turf. 1857
Ivers, Tom.Complete Guide to Claiming Thoroughbreds - Finding, Fixing
and Making Winners.
Ivers, Tom.The Fit Racehorse.
Ivers, Tom.The Fit Racehorse II.
Ivers, Tom.The Bowed Tendon Book.
Jarvis, Sir Jack.They're Off. Michael Joseph, 1969
Jerdein, Charles & F.R. Kay.British Blood Lines. London:
J. A. Allen, 1955
The Jockey Club.American Stud Book
Johnson, Charlene.Florida Thoroughbred. UPFl
Johnson, Pat and Walter Osborne.A Horse Named Kelso. Funk &
Wagnalls, 1970
Jones, Dr. William E..Sports Medicine for the Racehorse.
Jordan, Joe, The Bluegrass Horse Country. Transylvania, 1940
Joyner, A. J..Autobiography. The Blood-Horse
Kay, F. R. & Jerdein, Charles.British Blood Lines. J. A.
Allen, 1955.
Kahn, E. J., Jr. Jock: The Life and Times of John Hay Whitney.
Doubleday & Co. 1981.
Keeneland. Keeneland: Reflections on a Thoroughbred Tradition.
Kelly, Robert F.Racing in America 1937-1959. The Jockey Club,
Keylock, Major H. E. compiler; Dams
of Winners of All Flat Races in Great Britain and Ireland, (1915-1947).
First Series, Third ed.; Kingston-upon-Thames: Knapp, Drewett &
Sons, Ltd, 1948. Second Series (1948-1956). Third Series (1957-1964).
Keylock, H.E.The Mating of Thoroughbred Horses.
Kiernan, Thomas.The Secretariat Factor:The Story of a Multimillion-Dollar
Breeding Industry. Doubleday, 1979.
King, Peter. The Grand National: Anybody's Race. 1983.
Kirkpatrick, Arnold and Jack Lohman.Successful Thoroughbred Investment
in a Changing Market. Thoroughbred Publishers, 1984.
Kirk. Kirk's Guide to the Turf.
Knight, Thomas A. and Nancy Lewis.Country Estates of the Blue Grass.
Greene, 1904. Historic reprint Henry Clay Press, 1973
Kohler, Hans & Hans, and Monique Dossenbach.Great Stud-Farms
of the World. Morrow, 1978.
Krone, Julie.Julie Krone: Riding For My Life
Krook/Maylin.Race Horses at Risk
La Boyteaux, William H. Thoroughbred Pedigree Charts, Stakes Winners
1915-1936. 1937.
Labrie R..Dancer's Image: A True Story of a Gallant Kentucky
Derby Winner. 1982
Laffon, F.Moeurs Actuelles du Turf. 3rd ed. Rothschild, 1896
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Osborne, Jos. The Horse-Breeders' Handbook. Various.
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