Grave Matters: Prospect Hill Farm, Belair, Maryland
Photos by Anne Peters ©Anne Peters 2003; all rights reserved. |
Left: the lawn at Prospect Hill, where Durbar II is buried. Right: the view
from the house down to the springhouse. |
PROSPECT HILL FARM, near Belair, Maryland, was donated to Harford County and now is the home of Harford Community College. During the 1920s through 1940s, it was the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Heighe, the latter being the owner of *DURBAR II, and neice of Durbar II's breeder, Herman B. Duryea. *DURBAR II, foaled in France in 1911, won the Epsom Derby of 1914. He initially stood in France but was moved to Claiborne Farm in Kentucky in 1924, and later to ProspectHill in 1931. He died over that winter and was buried in an unmarked grave in the lawn of the residence at Prospect Hill, between the houseand spring house.
The photo on the left shows the view from the spring house up toward the house. There is a low area in the lawn about a third of the way from the bottom of the photo, which is probably *DURBAR II's final resting place. -- A.P. |